Sunday, June 11, 2006

Neighbor Blight

From the amazing to the annoying:

We recently discovered that one of our neighbors had several branches of our mulberry[?] tree cut. We would have been much less upset about this development if he had not
(1) tossed some of the cuttings back into our yard for us to dispose of, and
(2) reached over and made cuts on our side of the property line.

While it is quite easy to get carried away with a pruning saw, let us all try to be good neighbors and remember:

If thy neighbor's green growing things offend thee, thou mayest cut them back up to the property line.

Thou mayest not reach over the property line and lop off another 5-6 inches.

Once you cut, the cuttings are your problem.

And, for heaven's sake, don't botch it up like this wanker did (see photo).

Here endeth the lesson for today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Of course, there's always the possibility of an entente cordiale if one has an on-going, neighborly chit chat once or twice a year.

Something to be said for monasticism (sp?), eh wot?