Saturday, May 20, 2006

Did Someone Say Orange? (Part Trois)

Hybrid tea rose: Prominent.

This was our first orange rose. Orange not being a favored color (red, red, red ... and a little more red), the selling point was the grower/distributor's notation that the flowers have a strong rose scent. This proved to be incorrect, at least as far as this specimen goes. Grows better in partial shade than full sun. Very thorny; and inarguably orange.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Occasionally one or two of the rosebushes here produce a flower with noticeable scent. This happens most often with the first blooms in spring and the last blooms in the fall. Otherwise, the blooms are pretty but odorless.

Perhaps, though, the fault lies with sense of smell, which might be going the way of the sense of hearing, which is going the way of unwrinkled skin.

Oh well.