Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Well, There It Is

So, here we have a poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). These three shots are all of the same plant, but taken in different degrees of light and using varied camera settings. The bracts are a pale, buttery yellow, and the true flowers at the center a richer yellow. The photos are entirely digital and have not been "Photoshopped."

This first shot (above) was taken in full sun, extreme close-up.

Here's what the camera saw when the plant was set in shade.

Here we are in part sun; part shade. This is the closest the camera came to capturing the color as seen by the naked eye.

These plants are difficult to keep alive, much less attractive, once the holiday season for which they are cultivated ends. We kept a red one going for a year, but did not get repeat "bloom" (development of the colored bracts). Enjoy them while they last, but don't get emotionally invested.